Assigned: Mar. 6 | Due: Mar. 13
HDR Photography – High Dynamic Range photography allows for an exposure that isn’t currently possible with one shot. Use this technique to capture beauty in the ordinary. Using a tripod, shoot a series of bracketed exposures in camera raw format with at least 3 shots for each scene, preferably 5. Each bracketing shot should be 2 stops apart. Combine each set of photos into one HDR composite using Adobe Photoshop and/or Lightroom (try both). The end result should be photorealistic.
- Pick a scene that has a large difference between the shadows and the highlights.
- Use Auto-Exposure Bracketing (AEB) if your camera has it! If not, use Aperture-Priority Mode (or Manual mode) and only change the shutter speed for exposure changes. This keeps your depth of field the same.
- Keep your focus at the same distance.
- 8 – HDR Photography Lecture
- 8 – American Seen Through Photography, Darkly
- Learn how to combine multiple exposures to create a high dynamic range image.
>>Photoshop HDR Tutorial - Merge multiple exposures for an image with detail in deep shadows and bright highlights.
>>Lightroom CC HDR Tutorial